30 August, 2009

I'll stop the world and melt with you...

Ah. Love this song. For some reason it feels comforting right now. Damn I need to clean my room. It has gotten so bad. It's not just messy, it's dirty. I really spend minimal time in it besides sleeping. Currently, sadly, I am in my room right now but that is just because my computer needs it's charger.

I just feel bored and uninspired with it and whenever I feel that way about anything I ignore it. And do nothing about it. Even if I picked/cleaned it up I have gotten in the habit of spending my time else wear. I am just terrified of all the shit I need to pack up when I go to college because my parents are moving when I do which means all my crap either needs to go in my dorm or dissapear. No bloody clue how that is going to happen. None what so ever.

Blergh. I miss my people. I cannot wait for school to start, planning my first outfit haha. I feel like it's the first day of kindergarden again. Not exactly. Wish my mumsy would let me borrow her Guesto bag but thats a chance about as slim as me cleaning my room.

Did I mention spiders are inhabiting it? I am terrified of spiders of all odd things so that is another odd reason I wont clean in case I happen upon one even if it was clean they would be fairly discouraged from being my roomies.

Oh well tata. I'm going to go play in my mother's purses and watch Mad Men (gotten addicted to yet another TV show. Bad ariel pft..)
